Downloads and support information for IDEP/CN8 in Belgium - 2024

Below, there is important information about:  Installation, Antivirus, Installation directory,  ZIP-files, Backups


# File Description
Online installation package
Immediately start installation. This requires Administrator rights. Your browser or antivirus program may block this download and execution. Please allow these actions when prompted.
2 IDEP2025
Offline installation package
Standalone installation package. Contains all necessary files to upgrade IDEP to the latest version in the 4 languages. Use this file if check for upgrades fails or is not allowed. Extract to a local directory and perform the installation
3 idep.exe
IDEP.NET Executable
IDEP.exe for .NET Framework 4.0 and higher. This executable will work on most recent systems
4 idep.exe
IDEP.NET Executable
IDEP.exe for .NET Framework 2.0. This executable is required on older
5 IDEP2025-full
Offline package FULL
Offline installation package but also including the .NET 2.0 system files (only for very old or out-of-date systems)
6 IDEP2025-ready
Ready-to-run package
This is a ready to run package. Copy it's contents to the IDEP installation directory and run IDEP.exe

^ Installation:

Start SETUP.exe to launch the installation process.
Normally, to install, you would need Administrator rights on your PC. However, this may not always be possible (for ex. requires intervention by IT-department). In such cases, instead of executing SETUP.EXE you can also execute GETRELEASE.EXE. This GETRELEASE.EXE tool does not require Administrator rights and most of the time will work as expected. It will only work correctly if IDEP was previously installed with SETUP and has not been removed since.

^ Antivirus software:

Sometimes your antivirus software has deletes (quarantined) IDEP.exe because it was falsely detected as suspicious software.
Please note that IDEP does not contain any virus or malware and this is a false positive.
When this has happened, the shortcut to IDEP will no longer work, but all of your data is still available.
The following steps should help you to recover from this situation:

  1. You should convince the antivirus software that IDEP.exe is legitimate.
    Usually this can be done by restoring IDEP.exe from the antivirus software's quarantaine
  2. If your antivirus software prompts you to accept or trust IDEP.exe, you should of course confirm this.
  3. To avoid a repetition of the problem, add an exception rule or a detection exclusion to your antivirus software.
    We strongly receommend configuring the whole IDEP installation directory as trusted or excluded.
    For this, you might need assistance from your system administator or help desk.
  4. In most cases you can restore a workable situation by:
    1. Open Windows Explorer on the IDEP installation directory
    2. In the IDEP installation directory, double click on the file REPAIR (sometimes displayed as Repair.cmd).
      This will try to recover IDEP.exe and put it back in place.
    3. Now you should be able to start IDEP again; provided you have allowed the antivirus software to run IDEP
  5. In case REPAIR doesn't exist or reported an error:
    1. Download idep.exe
    2. Open the downloaded ZIP-file (directly after the browser has downloaded it)
    3. Open Windows Explorer on the IDEP installation directory
    4. Drag the file IDEP.exe that is contained in the downloaded ZIP-file to the IDEP installation directory

^ IDEP Installation directory:

Most often, IDEP is installed in the directory C:\Users\Public\Idep_CN8. This is the directory where you will find the IDEP.exe executable and the BE directory.
You can quickly open a Windows Explorer on this location by:

  • Right click on the IDEP shortcut on your desktop
  • Use the 'properties' option
  • Click the 'Open File Location' button

^ Important information regarding the ZIP-files:

When you download a ZIP-file, save it to a local directory on your PC.
Use the ZIP-tool (WinZip, 7-Zip, Windows) to extract all the files of the ZIP-file to some local temporary directory on your PC.
When you are finished with the ZIP-file, you can delete this temporary directory and ZIP-file.

^ Backups:

Make sure you have a backup!
It is very important to have backups of your IDEP data. Normally IDEP automatically makes daily backups in its installation directory. Ask your system administrator to ensure that regular backups of your IDEP installation are made.
The most import elements are
local.mdb file, containing information about your PSIs
psi directory, containing all the declarations of all your PSIs
Use IDEP's built-in function to make backups (menu Maintenance / Backup)